Donate Vacation hours

Updated on December 15th, 2023

To allow team members to support their co-workers in times of need, Carle Health allows vacation to be donated.  

Team member can donate paid vacation time to another for a qualifying serious illness.  A cold or minor illness that does not require hospitalization or extended medical care would not qualify as a reason to receive a vacation donation.


Team members can donate between four and forty hours per occurrence; but they must have at least forty hours remain in their vacation account.  The receiving team member must have an approved leave of absence and have depleted all of their paid time off accounts. 

How do I donate vacation hours?  

To donate hours, complete the Paid Time Off Donation Request Form in Lawson Self-Service. Human Resources will review the requests and the donating team member will be notified of the acceptance or denial of the request. If approved, the appropriate hours will be transferred from the donating team member's account to the recipient’s account.

Please see policy HR203-Donation of Vacation Hours for the full details of the program.